
You can get involved in the GeoNetwork project by joining user forum or finding us on Gitter and StackExchange.

User forum

Join discussion on OSGeo Discourse.

The forum has GeoNetwork User categories for English, Spanish, and French discussion.

There is a category for the geonetwork-ui project.

For programmers there is a category GeoNetwork Developer discussion.

Each category has an introduction describing how to sign in, post a topic, or configure for use as a mailing list.


GeoNetwork has a gitter channel that you can join.

This channel replaces the previous IRC. For a history of previous activity on the IRC channel, search the archives.


GIS StackExchange is the only official place to ask for GeoNetwork support, using the geonetwork tag.

Questions that help discover bugs should lead to the creation of bug reports in the GitHub issue tracker.


The GeoNetwork GitHub issues tracker is where all bug reports and feature requests should be done.

There are templates for both uses that needs to be followed in order to facilitate reproduction (for bugs) or assessment (for features).

Please note that anyone creating an issue is considered responsible for maintaining activity on it, at least while no contributor has been specifically assigned to it. This can for example be done by pinging community members, providing additional information or suggesting fixes.

Issues with no activity in the last 6 months will be automatically closed. If an issue is really important to you, please help us look for funding to work on it.

© Copyright 2024, Open Source Geospatial Foundation. Last updated on Dec 11, 2024.