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Create a new formatter


  • oversee groovy formatter mechnism
  • understand handlers, matchers concepts
  • create a small formatter


  1. Add a new formatter that display all text information of the metadata in basic layout.
  2. Update previous formatter to display labels of the text fields.
  3. Use formatter templating system to render the handler's view
  4. Add styling to your formatter view.
  5. Create a tree for rendering elements
  6. Use translation of iso elements
  7. Use default tree styling
  8. Use all default view formatter elements
  9. Customise default formatter view
  10. Overload handlers methods


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  1. Create a new formatter

    • create a new folder named 'foss4g" in /schemas/iso19139/src/main/plugin/iso19139/formatter

    • create a new groovy file in this new folder

    • text information are stored in gco:CharacterString

      handlers.add 'gco:CharacterString', {el -> "<div>${el.text()}</div>"}
  2. Add a matcher and play with name and text properties.

    handlers.add select: {el -> !el.'gco:CharacterString'.text().isEmpty()}, {el ->
        "<div><b>${}</b> - ${el.text()}</div>"
  3. Use handlers.fileResult function

    • view.groovy

      handlers.add select: {el -> !el.'gco:CharacterString'.text().isEmpty()}, {el ->
          handlers.fileResult('foss4g/elem.html', [name:, text: el.text()])
    • elem.html

  4. Add a custom less file in wro4j inspected folders and link it to your formatter

    • formatter.less

      dt {
          width: 230px;
          font-weight: normal;
          font-style: italic;
          color: #555555;
          clear: none;
          padding-left: 15px;
          text-align: left;
          overflow: hidden;
          text-overflow: ellipsis;
          white-space: nowrap;
          float: left;
        dd {
          margin-left: 250px;
          border-left: 1px solid #999999;
          padding-left: 1em;
          background: #eeeeee;
    • view.groovy

      handlers.start {
          '''<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../static/formatter.css"/>
            <div class="container">'''
      handlers.end {
      handlers.add select: {el -> !el.'gco:CharacterString'.text().isEmpty()}, {el ->
          handlers.fileResult('foss4g/elem.html', [name:, text: el.text()])
  5. Use fmt-repeat-only-children in template and prent() function.

    • view.groovy

      handlers.add select: {el -> !el.'gco:CharacterString'.text().isEmpty()},
                group: true, {els ->
            def elements = els.collect {el ->
                [name:, text: el.text()]
                    [elements: elements, parent: els[0].parent().name()])
    • elem.html

          <div fmt-repeat="el in elements" fmt-repeat-only-children="true">
  6. See nodeLabel function

    • view.groovy

      handlers.add select: {el -> !el.'gco:CharacterString'.text().isEmpty()},
               group: true, {els ->
           def elements = els.collect {el ->
               [name: f.nodeLabel(el), text: el.text()]
                   [elements: elements, parent: f.nodeLabel(els[0].parent())])
  7. Add gn-metadata-view class to your container update your handler.

    • view.groovy

      handlers.start {
         '''<div class="gn-metadata-view container">'''
      handlers.end {
      def isoHandlers = new iso19139.Handlers(handlers, f, env)
      handlers.add select: isoHandlers.matchers.isTextEl, isoHandlers.isoTextEl
      handlers.add name: 'Container Elements',
             select: isoHandlers.matchers.isContainerEl,
             priority: -1,
  8. See SummaryFactory class.

    • view.groovy

      import iso19139.SummaryFactory
      def isoHandlers = new iso19139.Handlers(handlers, f, env)
      SummaryFactory.summaryHandler({it.parent() is it.parent()}, isoHandlers)
  9. Add custom option to the SummaryFactory

    • view.groovy

      import iso19139.SummaryFactory
      def isoHandlers = new iso19139.Handlers(handlers, f, env)
      def factory = new SummaryFactory(isoHandlers, {summary ->
         summary.title = "My Title"
         summary.addCompleteNavItem = false
         summary.addOverviewNavItem = false
      handlers.add name: "Summary Handler",
             select: {it.parent() is it.parent()},
  10. Add custom behavior to iso19139.Handlers constructor

    • view.groovy

      def isoHandlers = new iso19139.Handlers(handlers, f, env) {
              def oldImpl = super.isoTextEl
              isoTextEl = { el ->
                  "----------- ${oldImpl(el)}"